Friday, July 22, 2016

artist statement

when I was five years old, I would come home and watch toy story every day. I can quote that entire movie. Slow zoom out from Andy’s cloudscape wallpaper, and we see Mr. Potato Head enter the frame. “Alright everyone, this, is a STICKup. Don’t anybody move!” Anyways I always really loved movies and what they could do. It wasn’t until about seventh grade or so that I really started watching movies that I loved, I think the first ones might’ve been No Country and There Will Be Blood, and always loved Sweeney Todd and V for Vendetta. But there was something about these films, films that typically end on a terrible note for the protagonist, that I just love. The more depressing they are the better. Kaufman is an inspiration, as well as Aronofsky. But I love heartwarming stuff like Wes Anderson too, as long as its shot well and made well it's ok with me. But there’s something about the works of Kaufman and Spike Jonze that I just want to be able to emulate, or take from in some way. I want to be able to create stories and tell them in a beautiful way that can truly move a person. P.T. Anderson is a huge inspiration. After watching Blood and The Master, you understand what I’m talking about. They leave you with lumps in your chest that you cant quite shake off for a few days at least. I’ve learned from this course that I don’t want to be a cinematographer. I’m just not comfortable dealing with that stuff. I’m trying to get better all the time, but I honestly felt something while filming our final projects that I have never felt before. Getting to direct was so exciting, and confirmed for me the fact that I am a director. And a writer.

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